2010年01月04日 00:43 存在: 15 yrs
分类: 应用教程
$Id: INSTALL.txt 5199 2009-03-11 17:30:52Z ohader $
This document is a part of the TYPO3 project. TYPO3 is an open source web
content management system released under the GNU GPL. TYPO3 is copyright
(c) 1999-2009 by Kasper Skaarhoj.
This document describes the system requirements for TYPO3 and the installation
System requirements
TYPO3 requires a web server with a PHP installation and a database. While TYPO3
can be configured to run on many web servers with different databases, this
document assumes that Apache and MySQL will be used. This document does not
cover using TYPO3 with other databases or web servers.
The following configuration is the minimum required:
- a web server capable of running PHP
- PHP 5.2.0 or newer with the following extensions:
- filter
- GD2
- mysql
- pcre
- session
- standard
- xml
Some extensions can be optionally compiled into PHP. A list of loaded
extensions can be checked using the phpinfo() function.
- memory_limit set to at least to 64M in php.ini
- MySQL 4.1 or newer
- 200 MB of disk space
- AllowOverride in the Apache configuration includes "Indexes" and "FileInfo"
(see FAQ below)
The following configuration is recommended:
- Apache 2.x
- mod_expires and mod_rewrite enabled in the Apache configuration
- PHP 5.2.0 or newer with the following extensions:
- cURL
- filter
- GD2
- mbstring
- mysql
- pcre
- session
- standard
- xml
Some extensions can be optionally compiled into PHP. A list of loaded
extensions can be checked using the phpinfo() function.
- memory_limit set to 128M or more in php.ini
- MySQL 5.1 or newer
- GraphicsMagick
- 200 MB or more of disk space
- AllowOverride in the Apache configuration includes "Indexes" and "FileInfo"
(see FAQ below)
Obtaining TYPO3
To get TYPO3, navigate to the following location:
TYPO3 consists of two packages: source and dummy. The source package contains
files that are the same for every TYPO3 web site. The dummy package contains
files unique to each TYPO3 installation.
To install TYPO3, both packages must be downloaded.
Installation: simple (not recommended!)
This procedure is not recommended because it makes upgrades harder. However, it
can be the only option if you hosting company does not provide SSH access to
the web server.
To install TYPO3, unpack the source package locally. Unpacking will produce a
directory with a name like typo3_src-x.y.z, where x, y and z correspond to the
TYPO3 version. For example, the TYPO3 4.3.0 source package will create a
directory named typo3_src-4.3.0.
Next unpack the dummy package. This will create a directory with the name
dummy-x.y.z. Now create a new directory and copy all files and folders from
within typo3_src-x.y.z and dummy-x.y.z into this new directory.
Use a FTP or SFTP program or any other available way to upload all files to
the web server.
Change permissions of the directories and files. The following directories and
files should be read-only for the web server:
All other directories should be writable for the web server. If in doubt,
contact your hosting company and ask them to assist in adjusting permissions.
Installation: recommended
To install TYPO3, unpack the source package outside of the web site root
directory on your server. The location must be accessible to the web server.
Unpacking will produce a directory with a name like typo3_src-x.y.z, where x,
y and z correspond to the TYPO3 version. For example, the TYPO3 4.3.0 source
package will create a directory named typo3_src-4.3.0.
Unpack the dummy package in the temporary location on the server. This will
create a dummy-x.y.z directory. Move all files and directories from the
dummy-x.y.z directory to the web site root directory.
Linux, Unix and Mac OS X users should use the tar.gz packages and unpack them
tar xzf source-x.y.z
tar xzf dummy-x.y.z
Windows users can use Windows built-in unpacker on unpack ZIP versions of
On Linux, Unix or Mac OS X systems create a symbolic link named typo3_src
pointing to the source package:
ln -s /var/www/typo3_src-4.3.0 /var/www/example.com/typo3_src
On Windows Vista or Windows 7 create a symbolic link named typo3_src
pointing to the source package:
mklink /D C:\<dir>\typo3_src-4.3.0 C:\<dir>\example.com\typo3_src
Users of Windows XP/2000 can use the "junction" program by Marc Russinovich to
create links. The program can be obtained at:
Next create links for the typo3/ and t3lib/ directories:
cd /var/www/example.com
ln -s typo3_src/t3lib
ln -s typo3_src/typo3
Linux, Unix and Mac OS X users also create a symbolic link to index.php
ln -s typo3_src/index.php
Windows users must copy index.php from the source directory to the web site
root directory because Windows does not support links for files.
Change permissions and ownership of the directories. This usually requires the
"sudo" command. Assuming that the web server user is in the group named
"apache", execute the following commands in the web site root directory:
sudo chgrp -R apache fileadmin typo3temp typo3conf uploads
sudo chmod g+rwX,o-w fileadmin typo3temp typo3conf uploads
If "sudo" is not available, ask your hosting company to change the permissions.
Setting up TYPO3
To set up TYPO3, navigate to your web site. The TYPO3 installer will run in the
1-2-3 mode to easily guide you through the installation.
For troubleshooting read the FAQ below. If your problem is not listed, feel
free to ask questions in the TYPO3 mailing lists:
Q: Why do I get "500 Server error" when I navigate to my TYPO3 web site
immediately after installation?
A: Make sure that AllowOverride allows "Indexes" and "FileInfo" in the Apache
configuration. If you cannot ensure this, rename .htaccess files to
_.htaccess. TYPO3 will run but considerably slower.
Here is the list of the files to rename:
If the error does not disappear, web server error logs should help. For
Apache, the error log is usually located in /var/log/apache2 or
/var/log/httpd. Check with your hosting provider if you are in doubt where
the logs are located.
Q: I went through the setup process and created an admin user. Why can't I log
in now?
A: If you use MySQL 5.x or newer, try setting it to "compatible" mode. Open the
TYPO3 Install tool under http://example.com/typo3/install/ (where example.com
is the web site domain), navigate to "All configuration". find "setDBinit",
and add this line to the top of the input field:
SET SESSION sql_mode='MYSQL40'