Typo3第三方扩展安全提醒包括如下扩展:including cal, direct_mail, an_searchit, kk_downloader, lt_basetag, mchtrips, simple_glossar, tw_productfinder, wfqbeSecurity vulnerabilities have been discovered in following third party TYPO3 extensions: "Calendar Base" (cal), "Direct Mail" (direct_mail), "[AN] Search it!" (an_searchit), "Simple download-system with counter and categories" (kk_downloader), "Automatic Base Tags for RealUrl" (lt_basetag), "Trips" (mchtrips), "simple Glossar" (simple_glossar), "TW Productfinder" (tw_productfinder), "DB Integration" (wfqbe) For further information on the issue in extension "Calendar Base" (cal), For further information on the issue in extension "Direct Mail" For further information on all CSB (Collective Security Bulletin) issues , In general the TYPO3 Security Team recommends to read the following pages: