Professional XML Design and Implementation
The description below is the publishers own description.
Title: Professional XML Design and Implementation
ISBN: 1861002289
Pub Date: March 1999
Pages: 426
XML is a mark up language which allows you to define your own tags, and to define data rather than format it.
The overall concepts of XML are quite well understood but there is little information available about issues of
developing applications using XML. By considering the decisions to be made at various stages of a project, via
the Centaur case study, this book will help readers understand the various aspects of XML and its related
technologies. It stresses the benefits of XML in informational systems, where it can be used to separate content
from presentation, and in transactional systems, where it can act as a low-cost alternative to EDI protocols.
A relentlessly practical, and therefore unique, XML publication, Professional Design and Implementation is for
all web developers who are familiar with ASP and HTML and who now want to use XML to develop web applications.
Summary of Contents
Chapter 1: Introducing the Centaur Case Study
Chapter 2: XML Overview
Chapter 3: The Document Object Model
Chapter 4: Displaying XML
Chapter 5: XSL in Theory and Practice
Chapter 6: Further XML Techniques
Chapter 7: Under the Hood of Centaur
Chapter 8: The Interactive System
Chapter 9: The Transactional System
Appendix A: Build Your Own Centaur
Appendix B: Selective Code Listings
Appendix C: Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification
Appendix D: XML Schemas and Data Types
Appendix E: XML Resources and References
Appendix F: IE5 XSL Reference
Appendix G: XSL Stylesheets DTD
Appendix H: Links in XML
Appendix I: Support and Errata
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